Thank you Lundah. That will probably work, however I think it might be simplest (after listening to a sample of the voicemails left in this mailbox) to have the users manually clean up the remainder. It will also preserve the timestamps on the messages, which is important considering this...
Thanks MitelAppie. I've actually done all of that and confirmed that the email is making it to the intended destination with *new* voicemail.
The problem is the existing 50 or so messages that are left in the mailbox. Is there any way to send those off as emails or are we left to manually...
Hi there!
I've been silently using this forum for a while now and have found it an extremely useful resource. The time has come though, where I can't find an answer to a current question I have and I need to ask some experts.
I have a 3300 controller which is configured for voicemail to...
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