Yup.. I am good. Do you still want me to post my dummy source data that I have been using? and if so whats the best way to do this.
Thanks for all you help.
Here is the latest code...
' global variable
Public nodetext As String
Sub org_chart()
Dim oSAlayout As SmartArtLayout
' nodes for each level of chart
Dim rootnode As SmartArtNode
Dim nodes_lvl2 As SmartArtNode
Dim nodes_lvl3 As SmartArtNode
Dim nodes_lvl4 As SmartArtNode
Well Skip.. I have an update. I have the org chart logic working probably 95% done. I am generating the nodes from top to bottom then left to right. The logic is generating nodes down to the 4th level still have to test for the max level of five. But what is really frustrating is that I can not...
no.. recording a macro does not help. tried the below without success. Can only change manually. I think it has to do with Primary Theme Colors. I will do some more research tomorrow.
node.Shapes.ShapeStyle = msoLineStylePreset8
Skip-Is it best to add nodes from left to right per level (horizontally) or is it best to add nodes from top to bottom(vertically) then left to right. No matter which way I don't know how to retain the parent nodes so that nodes can be added below or adjacent to a child node.
The max vertical...
Thanks for the idea Skip. I haven't gotten the detailed specs so I am not sure whether it will be one org chart or several but I will do some research on table structures as well as how to add nodes horizontally and vertically. I will keep you updated. Thanks again for all you help on this ...
Skip - saw your comments.. Thanks so much. I agree the max loop counts will change based on the rows on SHEET("data") just trying to get as simple program working first. I plan on using A1 cell value as the root of the org chart. I will try your suggestions on the fore and back colors. Have a...
Skip - sorry it took so long to write back .. things got busy this week.
I decided to go with the SMARTART org chart object. Found the reference# by using the commented code below.
Here is what seems to work getting nodes added. Still have more to figure out...thanks for all your help for...
Skip - I have done some research on the web alot of what I have found refers to EXCEL 2003 code which does not seem to work. I tried adding a watch but I can not seem to assign the chart to an object so that I can look at its properties. I have also tried recording a MACRO. All I get is the line...
I have installed the Organization Chart add-in into EXCEL 2010.
Using EXCEL 2010 VBA code I want to add an organization chart then add nodes. I also want to populate the nodes using text from an imported .CSV file located on another worksheet.
Here is what I have so far:
sub org_chart...
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