OK, I found a solution ;)
This is the right code:
set doc [dom parse $xml]
set root [$doc documentElement]
set teryt [$root selectNodes {/teryt} ]
set row [$root selectNodes /teryt/catalog/row ]
set licznik 0
set licznik_row 0
foreach node $row {...
This is not exacly what I looking for. I found a solution but they give me too much data ;/
if { [$node @name] == "OPIS" } {
foreach n [$root selectNodes {//col[@name='OPIS']/linia}] {
puts [$n asXML]
The value from <col name="OPIS"> is split from all <row>. I need draw...
Can anybody help me resolve the problem.
This is my code:
package require tdom 0.7.5
set xml {<teryt>
<catalog date="2013-01-01" type="all" name="TERC">
<col name="WOJ">02</col>
<col name="POW"/>
<col name="GMI"/>
<col name="RODZ"/>
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