Writeln('rows affected: ' + ADODataset1.Recordset.RecordCount.ToString()); // undeclared identifier ToString
If I leave out ToString() I get a compile error and if I leave it in ToString is underlined in red and says undeclared identifier ToString
The program compiles and runs ok, so what is...
The connection string was bad.
The correct one:
ADOConnection1.ConnectionString := 'Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID="";Initial Catalog=rec1;Data Source=localhost;Initial File Name="";Server SPN=localhost';
And it works!
Thanks. That did get me a little bit farther.
function TestConnection:string;
Writeln('Debug Line 1');
ADOConnection1 := Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.Create(nil);
Writeln('Debug Line 2');
ADOConnection1.ConnectionString := 'Data...
Here's something else that doesn't work:
function TestConnection:string;
CoInitialize(nil); // undeclared identifier: 'CoInitialize'
Writeln('Debug Line 1');
Everything I lock the computer or the screen saver comes on Delphi maximizes itself and redisplays windows that I had previously closed. How can I change this unwanted behavior?
Well, with this program anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Although I've used the Initialization section in the past, and have samples, even if I do it the same way I get this error:
expected END but received INITIALIZATION
I already tried nil. That doesn't work either. It results in this error: EOleSysError: GoInitialize has not been called
Writeln('Debug Line 1');
ADOConnection1 := Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.Create(nil); // EOleSysError: GoInitialize has not been called.
I've been working with this in a unit. Can't figure out how to call the Create method. It doesn't like the word self. I also tried nil. What might I use then?
ADOConnection1 := Data.Win.ADODB.TADOConnection.Create(Self); // undeclared identifier Self
ADOConnection1.ConnectionString :=...
I have the professional version of XE5. How might I connect to a SQL Server database or does that require additional software purchases?
Also I could not try the example because it says DBXMsSQL.dcu file not found. Where might I find this file or does that cost extra?
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