Thank you very much for your help.
is there a way you can help us out with this? Remote support by phone? how much will you charge us? We are in Calgary, Alberta, and We'd like to get the Voicemail active (again) by tomorrow 8am, is that possible?
Thank you again
How can we access the system admin mailbox? is there a way to change this parameter from the main reception phone set?
The problem is the I didn't do it, the user that did it is not sure what keys he pushed. According to him, he was just working with Call Forwarding, but obviously there must be...
We have a Mitel SX200, and we were trying to deactivate call forwarding on one of the extension (from the main reception phone set), and it seems we pushed the wrong keys, now all the VoiceMails are inactive.
Before when we call the extensions we got the personal voicemail of the...
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