What part confused you? I was developing a query in Access (my usual practice) before deploying a classic ASP web page that used the query.http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=1703078
It's in Access, not on a page yet. I still dunno why it happened, but I fixed it. I was opening Access from ExpressionWeb, which created a temporary copy of the DB. Once I opened the DB from Access itself, all was well.
Well, actually I do create an SQL statement. I just execute it slightly differently some of the time. It's the way I was taught, so it's comfortable for me.
Still looking for a solution to the parameter being prompted for twice
Happy to. I got the technique in the old ASP or Access newsgroup. I miss them.
Create your query in Access and save it. I named mine ZoneSummary.
set conn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
set RS = server.createobject("adodb.recordset")
conn.OPen "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;" &...
Yep, it shouldn't, but it does. This is a saved query, and much safer than a control on a form, plus it's part of an ASP page that reports some totals, so nothing visual til the totals are calculated.
"Changing the query to Select Count([UCall]) as Zcnt from tblScore where (Zonex Is Not Null...
I have two questions about a query I'm having trouble with. The DB is Access2000.
Select Count([UCall]) as Zcnt from tblScore where (Zonex Is Not Null and UCall=[in_call]);
When I run this in Access, I get the prompt for in_call twice. The first time it does nothing (AFAICS), the second time...
I have two questions about a query I'm having trouble with. The DB is Access.
Select Count([UCall]) as Zcnt from tblScore where (Zonex Is Not Null and UCall=[in_call]);
WHen I run this in Access, I get the prompt for in_call twice. The first does nothing (AFAICS), the second returns Zcnt.
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