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Search results for query: *

  1. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I had an answer from the retailer and he told me that it's the scanner that have been set to send the character this way so the only way to change it is to ask for a special command for scanners with my specific configuration. No luck... But what is strange is that it works fine under NT4...
  2. Papoulos

    What to look in the syslog messages

    Yes, thanks but i was wondering what queries i can make... :)
  3. Papoulos

    What to look in the syslog messages

    Hi, i'm not really using a cisco switch but i'm sending all my switch logs to a splunk server and I use it for postmortem analyses. But i was wondering if i could get usefull info for supervision from there logs. By now i only check three things : - All notifications there are not link...
  4. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I'v found in the Datalogic manual that there are ascii codes for "shift" or "ctrl" keys. Shift is 81 for press et 82 for release Ctrl is 9D for press et 9E for release. So now i've configured the scanner with these codes to see if it do it as i want... Let's pray...
  5. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I think that the software didn"t wait for STX as they told me first. I think that when they develop the application they didn't use the code for STX but they coded the sequence Shift+Ctrl+B that the scanner sended them. In fact the application is waiting for a key press sequence. I've try it...
  6. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I finaly had a respons from our soft support. It seems that the program is waiting from SHIFT then CTRL and B. They gave me the corresponding key codes : 16 : Shift 17 : Ctrl 66 : B The strange thing is that with USB Keyboard the scanner give me "CTRL+SHIFT+B" and when i configure it in Wedge...
  7. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    The entire production system is in NT4 system and changing it with up to date IT is not in the bugdet, so we choose to take it to vmware so that we could get some more years before changing. So there is no option for us to change from NT4.
  8. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    Yes that's what i mean (what are the good words for it then ? ;) In fact the issue about testing it is that it's NT4 and that the USB scanner isn't working. So i try to use a Wedge configuration and it seems to work but it's not production tests, that will take me more times to do. Let's see it...
  9. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I've had a return form my scanner support and there is an option in Gryphon that is "Keyboard send control character". In default it's Ctrl+KEY, but you can change it by "CTRL+Shift+Key". So now i can see that the new and the old one are sending the same datas. But it didn't work any better...
  10. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    The ascii key received by the program is 0x02. But the thing is i don't know of the application is waiting for 0x02 but it work when i send it ctrl+capsB.
  11. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    The problem is the same, there are different way to make an STX Ctrl+b, ctrl+B, alt+002
  12. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    Thank you i'll check this. I've found that with the "xev" command line in linux that gave me the code that are send with inputs. I've also try with the "good" scanner and it send me the Shift+Ctrl+"capB" (in fact i think it's lower b and the shift) I think you'r right when you say it depend...
  13. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I'm back, because this solution didn't work... In fact the problem is that the Symbol configuration send CTRL+0x62 for STX wich is the ascii code of the lower case b, where i want ctrl+0x42 for upper case B. So i start again...
  14. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    The solution was found. We use the "Emulate Keypad" fonction so that the "02" ascii code was send to the PC with "ALT+02" that send the "STX" The only problem with this method is that the codebar is very slow to print. But it works... Thanks
  15. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    I have two of these scanners and the two of them gave the same result. And the upper case didn't work, because it will upper case if you scan a "a" in a bar code, but here, i send a 02 hexa character. It can't be "upper-cased". I'll now try to contact my vendor if he have any experience of...
  16. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    Hi, i've tried theses codes but they ahve effects on the barcode you scan after, not the data you send in the prefix... :(
  17. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    This is what i've done so far (LS2208 manual) In fact i have an old Gryphon scanner that is configured with just a STX prefix and when i use it on the same computer it gives me the "good" STX (CTRL+B upper case). I see also the difference in Outlook because in dos command ctrl+b and ctrl+B gave...
  18. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    Hi and thanks. :) My barcodes are EAN13 codes (books). But i'm not sure the problem comes from the barcode symbologies, because it's the prefix définition that i try to configure, and the prefix didn't depend on the barcode type that i will scan after that ?
  19. Papoulos

    Adding a STX as a prefix

    Hi all, I've problem configuring a LS 2208 scanner. I wanted to add a STX as prefix, but it seems it didn't take the good characters. I use Scan Option / Prefix+Data then Scan Prefix+1002 (for stx). But when I scan a test code on notepad++ it didn't send any stx char. But if i press Shift...

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