The following code puts the entire text file that has "*" delimiters for each field/column into Column A in an Excel spreadsheet
How would I get the txt file to be broken into columns by the delimiter "*"?
const toRead = 1
'Dim i
set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")...
TESTNUM=Trim(DataTable.Value("TESTNUM", dtLocalSheet))
This code does not work
If DataTable.GetCurrentRow=TESTNUM then
RunAction "Action1 [Append footer]", oneIteration
This code code kicks off the action if I hard code a value to have the Append action code run...
The HP QTP testing tool utilizes XLS worksheets as datatable feeds for processing automated test cases
I need to identify in the QTP testing script the specific cell column locations for script processing and I wanted a tool to identify the cell locations in a systematic method rather than...
I am actually looking to print the Excel internal grid column names that are normally not printed on a spreadsheet output
How do I get the actual 'A1, B1, C1 - cell location information to print with the associated user entered row 1 headers?
For example Excel grid
Column Header -...
Is there a macro that can be developed for Excel 2007 that print out the Cell locations for a header row
The Header row is from AA-HI
I want to be able see the following as the result
Header1 Header2
A1 B2
So how do I determine the next step?
Can I run a script to determine the ascii type/name of the character at postion 1431?
The character at 1430 is "~" which is allowable value
I was able to confirm that my txt file type is "ascii" via this code
How should I handle the extraneous 'm' as it causing my file to fail compliance at position 1431?
Option Explicit
Dim fso
Dim strfile
Dim ts
Dim char1
Dim char2
Dim text
strfile =...
This last code worked fine
The code is returning no visible characters but the compliance editor is returning a 'M'
What is the best way to delete this character from the file?
Option Explicit
Dim fso
Dim strfile
strfile = "\\ikanas267\Documents\kgittensjones\My...
I tried the code above but I receiving the following syntax error
The test run cannot continue due to a syntax error.
Invalid character
Line (1): "MsgBox $Mid(.OpenTextFile(strfile, 1).ReadAll, 1431, 1)".
Option Explicit
Dim fso
Dim strfile
strfile =...
I have a text file that is displaying a character of 'm' according to HIPAA compliance editor in postion 1421
However I do not see this character visually in the file
How can you write script to display via msgbox what character is in position 1431 in a text file?
Receiving the following error:
Path not found
Line (681): "objFSO.DeleteFolder strFolderPath, True".
If objRadioButton3.checked then
msgbox "You have selected the option to delete the files in the archive"
Dim Input5
Input5 = InputBox("Input Archive Folder Name to delete")
I solved the problem - Note this code is part of Quick Test Professional script - the "row" is a count of the Datatable input row that the tool is currently on (each row of the DataTable represents a test case)
If objRadioButton1.checked then
msgbox "You have selected the option...
Looking for vbscript code that creates a new folder from the input name entered in an input box
This code works but it creates a file not a file folder
Dim Input4
Input4 = InputBox("Enter Archive Folder Name")
MsgBox ("You entered: " & Input4)
If row=1 then
The revision to the code works great, however how could I add the ability to rename the archive files to give them unique names - like including an hour time stamp in the file name or some unique identifier?
Hi I spoke too soon. After a couple runs I started getting file exists errors for the target folder even when the target archive folder has no visible records
Is this a cache problem or memory issue in vbscript?
Do I need to check the date and time stamps of the files?
I have a script that is generating the follwoing error when it tries to move .X12 files to an archive folder
File name example
File already exists
Line (96): "fso.MoveFile f1,target".
However the Target archive folder does not have any files in it.
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