Hi John
Thank you for replying
The trnDate column is datetime, and there are never any NULL values.
I tried again, leaving the code as is for reference, and, wonder of wonders, it seems to have worked now. To clarify, the code that took forever is now working in a flash, with NO changes made...
I have a problem selecting records from a transaction table for a specific period. The query goes like this:
DECLARE @d1 datetime
,@d2 datetime
SET @d1 = '1/Jan/2012'
SET @d2 = '11/Jan/2012'
FROM TransactionsList WITH (nolock)
Hi George
Still there? Merry Christmas.
The query problem re-occurred :( Again, the SP runs smoothly (and fast) in a query window but NOT via VB (6 and .NET)! sp_who2 does not show anyone in the BlkBy column. My deadlock detector shows nothing of interest. As it's holiday season, usage in...
Thanks George
I keep forgetting the sp_who2 'utility' as my clients would be panicking at the time! I normally have an SQL Deadlock Detector running, but it never shows anything at that moment. And I don't really run any big updates. May I remind you that when I bring up a regular SQL Server...
Excuse the late reply.
The connection string is:
Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Password=pass123;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=user001;Initial Catalog=myData;Data Source=;
Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=MYPC;Use Encryption for...
Why does
"DECLARE @rtnRecs int;EXEC ss_GetStatementData @sAccountNr = '1234ABC', @iValidRecords = @rtnRecs OUTPUT"
run in 50ms in a query window and get a timeout (command timeout set to 120) in VB6?
The query goes through around 900k records and returns 100.
VB6 statement is "rs.open sql"...
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