Thank you sooooo much Olaf. (* * * * *)
it was a great information for me ..not only related to DLL but it solved my FOXCHARTS issues as well.
thanks a lot
thank olaf.
i built a multi threaded VFP DLL.
and when i tried :-
x = CREATEOBJECT("mydll.msgtest")
i get an error msg. 'Resource File version mismatch'
I ve built a Single Threaded DLL with VFP.9.0
project = mydll
programme name= mydll
WAIT "sdfsf"
and tested :-
x = CREATEOBJECT("mydll.msgtest")
returns an error msg ' OLE Idispatch...
so sorry mike :)
in fact i was trying to do with
if mmm>1
wait wind abcd(1,3)
'mmm' would never be >1 as the no of result set always=1. so it skips IF part and moves to ELSE.
the correct code is:-
if mmm<1
wait wind abcd(1,3)
VFP 9.0 return an error message with the following code :-
mmm=SQLExec(hr_handle,"set nocount on select (select emp_name from emp_master where emp_ID=b.emp_ID) name, "+;
"(select gross from pay_data where emp_ID=b.emp_ID and "+;
"(_year*416)+(_month*32)=b.yy_) gross,YY_/416...
there is a master Socket in the main form.
which is listening to port 9999 when ever it gets a request it handing over the request with the same request ID which Master Socket got.
licarray(i,1).janal.ConnectionRequest(requestid,i,thaakkol) *licarray is what SocketOBJ Array which is holding...
Hi Olaf,
Here is my code which is re written
*: Documented using Visual FoxPro Formatting wizard version .05
LOCAL lcmainclasslib...
i had put a timer in mainForm which checks Socket State every 10 secs.
when socketstate<>7 it makes SocketArray(x)=.f. thus unloads socket OBJ from memory.
moreover whenever a Close event of SocketOBJ occurs i do the same thing.
I'm not re using the Socket.
Hi Olaf
Sorry for not replying :)
What i really wanted to do is
to make a License Server listening (Running on an SBS 2007) to Clients.
I had done this using MSWINSCK.OCX .
as i mentioned in thread 184-1693203 somewhere the memory leaks and i couldn't resolve it.
On connection request from...
hi Olaf
i checked with sys(1016).
the APP started with using 1.5 MB even after 10 clients connected.
but later ..after 24+ hours it shows 500 MB. there is a huge memory leak.
as i mentioned earlier i use 1+15 mswinsck.ocx
1 is listening to port 9999 and on connection request it handing over the...
i'm using 2 winsock control (winsock.ocx)
1= 'rmtlisten1' handling connection request from client listening to port '9999'
2= 'LIC' which is already stored in object array and the state= 'listening' to available port
it is working well but if the users conneced (ie the no of accepted...
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