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  1. rha2000

    Problem in production environment with vfp9

    The problem was simpler than I thought. When the list appeared in gray, I had to click on a page icon, and it was fixed. Maybe after installing "vfp9SP2RT.exe" it was configured in another way by default. Thanks for your help. Regards
  2. rha2000

    Problem in production environment with vfp9

    Hello Thank you for your input, I solved the problem but others appeared to me. The system with problems is in production, in development mode it works well. Install vfp9SP2RT.exe on a client PC that was not working REPORT FORM MY_INFO\REPORT.FRX OBJECT loListener After installation it works...
  3. rha2000

    Problem in production environment with vfp9

    In the attached image I describe the two cases. In case 1 it does not work in development environment, in case 2 it works in development environment but not in production. I also attached the test code. If I link to the libraries that are in the application folder it seems that some are...
  4. rha2000

    Problem in production environment with vfp9

    Hello The following code works in development environment: LOCAL loListener loListener = newobject('HyperlinkListener', 'HyperlinkListener.prg') IF UPPER(TYPE("loListener")) <> "O" THEN messagebox("FAIL! loListener could not be created. Check msvcr71.dll") messagebox("loListener type=" +...
  5. rha2000

    Problem with gmap3 and olecontrol

    Thank you for your contributions, has been very useful information. With Olecontrol1.Silent = .t. I could eliminate errors and with <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" > the problem with the map was solved. Regards
  6. rha2000

    Problem with gmap3 and olecontrol

    Attached error image. http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=84311d75-81c6-4190-940b-f25f6d90cfbe&file=error-olecontrol.png
  7. rha2000

    Problem with gmap3 and olecontrol

    Hello I have the map below: http://infovatica.com.ar/accesomapa/demo/assets/demo/markers.html I'm using gmap3 (http://gmap3.net/) Works fine from IE and CHROME, but when I access from a ole control from vfp this: Headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + CHR(13) +...
  8. rha2000

    Problem with certificate

    I solved the problem as follows: XML = CreateObject ("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0") web = "https:// ..." Xml.Open ("GET", web,.F., "User", "pass") XML.SetRequestHeader ("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") XML.setOption (2, 13056) XML.send thanks
  9. rha2000

    Problem with certificate

    Hello I do not need the certificate request: web = "https://..." XML = CREATEOBJECT("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") TRY XML.Open("GET", web , .F.) XML.SetCredentials("user", "pass", 0) XML.SetRequestHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") XML.Send CATCH TO oError WHEN...
  10. rha2000

    Problem importing library .dll in .NET using COM INTEROP

    The answers I have been very useful. thanks
  11. rha2000

    Problem importing library .dll in .NET using COM INTEROP

    Hi Olaf I will exemplify the problem: I have one the library made ​​in C#, and I want to import it into VFP9 (using COM INTEROP). The library "Library1.dll" has two classes, "ClassA" and "ClassC". The class "ClassA" is abstract and I have to redefine the method "Process"; and the class...
  12. rha2000

    Problem importing library .dll in .NET using COM INTEROP

    I want to import a library .NET in C#, I want to integrate a VFP9 application using COM interop objects, this library has an abstract class "class1". Try to do it like this: x = NEWOBJECT ("myclass") DEFINE CLASS myclass AS session OLEPUBLIC _Class1 IMPLEMENTS IN "Libreria.Class1" ...
  13. rha2000

    Problem using webbrowser

    Now it works. PostData = CREATEBINARY ("data=data1&") Headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + CHR(13) + CHR(10) thisform.Webbrowser1.Navigate("http://testdesistemas1.com.ar/test/test.php", 0, "", PostData, Headers) Thank
  14. rha2000

    Problem using webbrowser

    I need to pass POST parameters using VFP9 and does not work. PostData = "data=LaInformacionQueQuieroEnviar" PostData = StrConv(PostData ,5) Headers = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" + CHR(13) + CHR(10) thisform.Webbrowser1.Navigate( url, 0, "", PostData, Headers) I think the...

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