An update to my post above. So I've got it working now where it finds the info.txt file, and can delete (right now just having it echo it out so I can see it), but it just stops at the first folder it finds with that info.txt file instead of checking them all. How do I get it to keep down the...
So as it often does, the requirements for this script have been changed. Now instead of looking at the created date of the user folder, I need to actually look inside of the user folder, find a file called info.txt, look at the created date of just that file, and then delete the folder it...
Wow, much simpler than I was trying to make it! Thanks! Just had to correct "For Each objUser In objDept SubFolder" to "For Each objUser In objDept.SubFolder
I'm working on a script that will scan a folder with a bunch of subfolders, and then delete the subfolders of those folders than are older than X days. Confusing I know. :) Basically we have a folder where we store terminated user data named \\servername\terminatedusers. Inside that folder...
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