Just an update. I installed the barcode printer jet to a newer HP laser printer so that I had access to the barcode font. Printing on the newer printer I was still having the same issues so I looked into the actual print file in hex and found that in many areas a hex null (x'00') was getting put...
DansDadUK - I called the company that manufactured the barcode printer jet and they have told me that there is no sybmol set for this barcode. I have been researching this on the the USPS (United States Postal Service) website as well and cannot find anything about a symbol set for this goofy...
I did find the "0O" symbol set in document bpl13205.pdf which specifies this as the OCR-A font symbol set. I have been referencing documents bpl13205.pfd, pcl5comp.pdf and blp13210.pdf in my efforts to get this to print correcty.
On the incomplete font definition, I have changed the code to...
Thank you both for your input. When a print line is sent out to use the secondary font (OCR-A) imbedded in the print line is the shift-out, shift-in. The print line definition is:
01 st-line2.
05 filler pic x(25) value spaces.
05 sl2-curr-swr-amt...
DandDadUK, yes the ^[ is the escape character. From your interpetation of the code I am in agreement.
jlasman, I see my error that trying to use the barcode as a secondary font that I did in fact not send the shift-out command. I will give this a try the next time I have access to the printer...
Am currently printing bills to a tractor feed printer (LaserMatrix LM2405/LM2406). I am using Red Hat Linux and am programming in COBOL. Prior to sending the file to the printer, a file is sent to the printer with all the commands like paper size, primary and secondary font plus a macro for the...
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