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Search results for query: *

  1. max2474

    Lost SESSION variables on same page redirect.

    strange.. I have session_write_close(); on my logout already (sessiondestroy.php), but did add die() after all my headers. I believe all is working as it should do now, but need to do some more testing. Thanks for info :)
  2. max2474

    Lost SESSION variables on same page redirect.

    CORRECTION: The final echo does output the correct session id. I used <?php print_r($_SESSION); ?> at the top of the memlayout.php page (from members.php) to find out that the session was empty.
  3. max2474

    Lost SESSION variables on same page redirect.

    Hi. I cannot work out what I've missed as I am using pretty much the same code as elsewhere in my site. I have a login check, which has been working fine, regenerating sessions and writing them to the database as needed. I have just added a header redirect and my session contents vanished...
  4. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Thanks for this. I will look into this more when I have finished the stage i am currently on. Do you know of any online sites that give more info? Was very difficult to find any relevant info on google..most of the results I looked at were either questions or were talking about using specific...
  5. max2474

    intermittent error updating database

    ahh...lol. added this : $mpmylo="0"; $mpmpb="0"; $mpmylo=$mpmylo+$_SESSION[myleftovers]; $mpmpb=$mpmylo+$_SESSION[misspaymentbonus]; and it seemed to solve it. Silly things. Was looking a syntax error. Many thanks!
  6. max2474

    intermittent error updating database

    Hi. I have this scripts to update my database totals: while ($mppaycount <= 8) { $mpref=$_SESSION[refs][$mppaycount]; $mprefpay=$_SESSION[refpay][$mppaycount]; $mppayrefs=mysql_query("UPDATE members SET tottokens = tottokens+$mprefpay, tokens = tokens+$mprefpay, newtokens =...
  7. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Have just done a little research on mapped objects.. seems to be a sensible idea, though when publishing your site, do you neeed to make sure the host supports the entity map programme? I have just noticed another peculiarity with my database, but will post on the sql forum.
  8. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Its mammoth.. Its a huge membership website with benefits, payouts, referral bonuses, and tones and tones (and tones) more. I should really have a team building it rather than trying to do it on my own as will take months. Already have about 80 pages..lol. And that's before I get to the content...
  9. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    FOUND IT!!!! lm*ao. It was in the loop. As 1005s referrer is 1004, the function gets called again with this number which can never end. I just need to add a condition to the loop saying that if mpref=1005, then count=9 to stop the loop. Thanks for your help. took a lot of echo statements to...
  10. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Because the error occurs by the function being called multiple times, do you think I need to add something like this: global $pt1paid; global $pt2paid; $pt1paid=0; $pt2paid=0; or static $pt1paid; static $pt2paid; $pt1paid=0; $pt2paid=0; to the top of paylvlbonus.php? If so, which vars will...
  11. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    update - took the echos out if the function and added them to the call... echo "<br />got here"; paylvlbonus($mpref,$mprefpay); $mppaycount++; echo " mppcount is ".$mppaycount; this gives : The fatal error assumably being the repeats of 1004. it looks like the fail is on the second call.
  12. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    ok... that wasnt the call thats causing the issue... it this: $mppaycount=0; while ($mppaycount <= 8) /* for counting an array of users up from 0 to 8*/ { $mpref=$_SESSION[refs][$mppaycount]; /*this is the userid to use from 0 to 8*/ $mprefpay=$_SESSION[refpay][$mppaycount]; /*this is...
  13. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Just thought... there is a possibility that this isnt the call causing the issue, i added the call on a few php pages that are all called from one page... let me take off some and I will get the proper call.... unless you spot something. BRB
  14. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Meant to highlight that last bit... The function is in a file called payteirbonus.php
  15. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    hmm.... strange. the output of that was: Calling the function - if (($attimediff<=28)&&($_SESSION[plan]>=$atp)) { $atupdatefastcount= mysql_query("UPDATE members SET fastcount = fastcount+1, fastcountamount = fastcountamount+$amounttopay WHERE userid = '$atw' LIMIT 1")...
  16. max2474

    Function keeps resetting vars..and will not stop

    Managed to stay away for a while..lol. Lots of progress and overcome many problems, but cant work this one out.. Have not really used functions before, but now I have a need. Have written this : <?php function paylvlbonus($userid,$amount) { $t1paid=0; $t2paid=0; while...
  17. max2474

    Alternatives to &quot;SELECT *&quot;

    Thanks for the idea. I guess its a case of weighing up the choices, though I will look into the idea of using an array as didn't consider that option. Thanks again!
  18. max2474

    Encryption, hashes, and general security.

    Good point. Am reasonably happy with the security I have in mind and when I get to publishing stage, will look at security offered by the host too. Many thanks again.
  19. max2474

    Encryption, hashes, and general security.

    Thanks for your explanation. So, if I understand correctly, this wouldn't really be much more secure than if I just used 1 algorithm with one hash? (With a number too) I didn't realize how difficult it would be to make a secure website...from what you have said, it seems there is very little...
  20. max2474

    Alternatives to &quot;SELECT *&quot;

    I guess its possible. There are about 20 columns being called in each table... out of 22. lvl1tot lvl1new lvl2tot lvl2new etc.. I guess I should have mentioned that. If I am calling pretty much all columns, is that an acceptable use of the *, or should you really still list all the columns?

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