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Search results for query: *

  1. mikeEd

    Disabling script execution

    I've been trying to work out how to disable all server side script execution for a particular directory (ideally using .htaccess) and I'm amazed how difficult it's been to find any solution. I thought I could do something with RemoveHandler in .htaccess to disable all handling of scripts, but...
  2. mikeEd

    deny network access

    Well I actually asked: "Would the best way be to run the program as a user who is denied access to the network?" Thus if I could deny network access for a user, I could deny it for a program. Unfortunately your suggestion, therefore, isn't feasible if I want to keep the connection up...
  3. mikeEd

    deny network access

    Do you mean the ethernet device under /dev, which doesn't exist? As far as I can see that's exactly what I asked in the first place; i.e. how can I deny network access to a single user, and thus deny network access to a specific application by running it in the context of that user? Or is...
  4. mikeEd

    deny network access

    Thanks, but I mean I want to deny users access to the network interface (e.g. eth0), not the application. Is there not somewhere where I can deny/grant access to the network for a specific user?
  5. mikeEd

    deny network access

    Thanks, I had no luck with Google. Although that seems a little like overkill for my (hypothetical) problem. Is there no simple way to deny a user access to the network interface?
  6. mikeEd

    deny network access

    If I wanted to prevent a particular application from accessing the network, how would I do it? I'm assuming that, although it can be achieved with iptables, attempting to prevent access at the firewall level is not the best way to do it. Would the best way be to run the program as a user who is...
  7. mikeEd

    Scripting/spaces in filenames

    I'm never sure how to deal with spaces in filenames with bash scripting. e.g. If I have a line like for i in `find . -name '*.txt'` ... and one of the filenames in the current directory has spaces in it, it will return an 'i' for each word in the name. What's the correct way to deal with this?
  8. mikeEd

    Brilliant Minds Desperately Needed for Date Calculations

    I'm still not really sure what it is you can't do. Is it an sql query you need?
  9. mikeEd

    Brilliant Minds Desperately Needed for Date Calculations

    Is this not just a case of getting the last <dayofweek - 1> days' hours from the previous month? So if the 1st is wednesday - day 4 in your logic - then you need the last 3 days of the previous month?
  10. mikeEd

    strange connectivity problems

    But how can that be? Surely all they're getting from me is a series of packets? They don't know what http requests I'm making.
  11. mikeEd

    strange connectivity problems

    This is a very strange problem I've had a few times with my ISP. I'm not looking for a solution, but just wondering what could possibly be causing it at their end. Last time a friend phoned them up (he had exactly the same problem) and they did admit it was a problem at their end saying they...
  12. mikeEd

    Utilizing stored procedures

    Yes; provided the connection is synchronous (which it probably will be)
  13. mikeEd

    closing batch file

    Are you saying that if you run this batchfile produced by the delphi program it won't close? Is there an extra new line in the Delphi-produced version that Win98 doesn't like or something? What if you include 'Exit' as the last command of the file?
  14. mikeEd

    closing batch file

    What version of windows is this?
  15. mikeEd

    Need to Sendmessage to an App

    Use SendMessage to send the appropriate WM_KEYDOWN messages. Presumably that would work.
  16. mikeEd

    ADO Deployment

    You still may need to upgrade to the latest version even on Win2k machines.
  17. mikeEd

    ADO Deployment

    Some machines may need a MDAC update (microsoft.com/data)
  18. mikeEd

    How to send a string via SendMessage ?

    Should be: SendMessage(Globals.MainFormHandle, WM_UPDATEPROGRESSLABEL, integer(@pMainMsg),0);
  19. mikeEd

    How to send a string via SendMessage ?

    Best way would probably be to do SendMessage(mainFormHandle, WM_USER, 0, 0) Disinguish between different events you want to signal by using WM_USER + 1, WM_USER + 2 etc. Or, if you want to be able to pass arbitrary strings, just pass a pointer to one in the wparam/lparam parameter.

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