The subject of locking has been extensively discussed on the CF-Talk forum. House of Fusion hosts CF-Talk at If you check the mail archives you're sure to find many threads, some of which include links to further information.
Here's some code straight from "Mastering ColdFusion 4.5" that might help. This example assumes you will use a form to create a file upload field:
<FORM ACTION="upload.cfm"
File: <INPUT...
For something like this, you may want to look into the use of regular expressions. Regular expressions are used to check for a distinct string patterns. I've used JavaScript to validate form entries like email addresses, phone numbers, etc. ColdFusion's regular expressions feature is a bit...
Given the fact that you're doing what you're doing the way you're doing it, your database design may be hindering your progress. A well-designed database avoids redundant data. I agree with Marc. More information is needed to help you out.
Try this:
<CFQUERY NAME="Displaylist" DATASOURCE="DynoRunEx">
<cfif #form.SearchMake# NEQ "All">
AND RunData.Make LIKE '%#SearchMake#%'
<cfif #form.SearchModel# NEQ "All">
AND RunData.Model LIKE '%#SearchModel#%'...
SQL provides the BETWEEN condition to test whether a value falls between two other values. Your query would be something like this:
FROM table
WHERE year BETWEEN #Year1# AND #Year2#
Hope that helps.
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