I am linking a VB program to an Access database which contains team information and match results. I need to caluclate total points (based on queries) and display a league table in VB.
Which form controls should I be using for this?
I went for the HomeTeam/AwayTeam option, but when creating the relationships it ended up like this
Access made that Team_1 table by itself, although it does not appear in my list of tables. It is just another instance of the Team table?
Or should it be looking like...
Sorry for the double post, but I suppose the junction table could be implemented with 3 fields: a primary key for the table along with matchID and teamID, foreign keys to the respective tables?
Would this be better than the team1/team2 solution?
MajP: that's what I figured, would it be like so http://i.imgur.com/k5ZfY.png ?
PHV: While it is a many-to-many relationship, I don't know if a junction table would work? I do find them a little confusing though so you might be on the money with that one?
I'm supposed to be setting up a database for a local soccer league, I've been given this ERD http://i.imgur.com/4q5kL.png and have to implement it in Access.
Now I have create the tables with the fields listed in the ERD, made my Primary Keys and also added foreign keys to Match table...
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