I have a file name like this
where the 12345 was added by using the $$
I need to remove the
.12345 from the end of the filename before I email it out.
Thanks in advance.
I need to be able to use the same style for multiple number formats. For example, I need to show anywhere between 0 & 2 decimal places. I have this like below -
<NumberFormat ss:Format="#,###.##;[Red]\(-#,###.##\)"/>
Problem is I get the following results and I need to not show the decimal...
I have a sqr program that I am using to create a XLS file. I need to be able to enter what column I want the data printed to.
Like below but need the 1, 2, 3 to represent the column number in XLS.
do xml-init-column(#xml_file_number, 1, 48)
do xml-init-column(#xml_file_number, 2, 51)
Newbie to ksh any help would be appreciated.
I need to loop through a directory and copy all the *.xls files to a different directory based off of what value is returned by a sql query. Something like this...
for each file in folder
where file like *.xls
run sql
cp to new folder
If I change the data to - 11, 12
and use
select *
from region
where email_flag = 'Y'
and ((region in(SELECT comments
from report_dist
where group_type = 'PLT01')
and 'PLT01' like 'PLT%')
or 'PLT01' NOT LIKE 'PLT%')
order by region
Thanks but that didn't work still get -
Example data - '11, 12'
ORA-01722: invalid number
select *
from region
where email_flag = 'Y'
and ((to_char(region) in(SELECT to_number(comments, '99')
from report_dist
where group_type = 'PLT01')...
I get
ORA-01722: invalid number
select *
from region
where email_flag = 'Y'
and ((region in(SELECT to_number(comments, '99')
from report_dist
where group_type = 'PLT01')
and 'PLT01' like 'PLT%')
or 'PLT01' NOT LIKE 'PLT%')
order by region
I a column names comments, the record I am working with has the following value in comments - '11, 12'
I want to use this select statement as a sub query that would replace the 11, 12 for region in the bottom statement -
SELECT to_number(comments, '99')
from report_dist
where group_type =...
I keep getting these errors...
unknown command beginning "case "PLT0..." - rest of line ignored
unknown command beginning "PLT01) sql..." - rest of line ignored
unknown command "esac" - rest of line ignored
For a list of known commands enter HELP
to leave enter EXIT
here is my code
The code was just to try and get my point accross, you are right it is not for either ksh or oracle. I am moving over from a Microsoft world to oracle and unix and seem to be having some challanges.
If I wanted to include an else do I just?
case "$var"
ZZZ) sql='one statement' ;;
I have a function and based on a parameter I need to call different sql statement something like below?
function get_regions {
sqlplus -s <<EOF
set pause off
set heading off
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
Case $var = "XXX"
case ZZZ
do this sql statement
case DDD
do this...
I am new to Korn program and trying to do a simple task.
$group_type = "PLT01"
if [[ $group_type == PLT* ]]
print "Success"
Not sure why this will not work?
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