I've just finished fixing and updating a database for a client. Now they want to put the old data into the new data base! How can I do it without losing data?? The databases are very similar, it's just that They had me rename a lot of the fields in the tables, and add some new...
I'm a junior programmer trying to get into a company and they sent me a database to work on. I can't get the queries to work. I'll give a sample of what is there. Could someone please explain what it's doing?? Thank you!!<br>
SELECT (TblMembership.PrefixMember) &...
I'm presently updating a database for a client, and they would like to be able to use superscript to display the short form of Doctor as it is used in French. It's supposed to be Dr. but with the "r" shown as superscript. Can anyone help?? I've tried the charactermaps, but found...
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