Our firewall was down during a call recording, so IPECS couldn't email the recording out as it normally does, and instead it is currently sitting in the user's mailbox.
Is there any way I can get this voicemail out as an email now? I have Phontage installed on a PC, but can't seem to find...
Thanks so much Doktor, you've solved my problem yet again, and thank you xs650 I found the OWA software (God bless the Russians) and it has saved me twice so far...
I have another strange problem, while I've got you guys here.
Our DID goes to a Ring group (620) which has two stations assigned...
So somewhere along the line I have accidentally broken our night switch flex buttons on our receptions phone. ( I have an iPECS-50B). Unfortunately I'm pretty green on the iPECS system, so escuse the daftness.
I took a backup of the phone system database when it was first installed (and...
Hi All,
I have an IPECS-50B system and I've had to replace a few handsets recently.
The problem is I can't seem to find the "Terminal replacement procedure" directions anywhere. The only reference I can find is in the F&O Manual
"1. If an iPECS Phone requires replacement, the administrator...
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