I got the sql to work, but I am still having the same issue. The querry is just linking one record from one table to the other and ignoring all the other records that also fit the link criteria, therefore I am not getting the right results.
Thanks for everyones help, I have spent way too much...
Yes Exo that is exactly what I want to do. Youre a genius interpreter
Thank you for your post PHV, but when I pasted it into my design view it was saying that I cannot use "<" or ">".
the join uses an operator that isnt supported in design view. Is there another area I should be...
Professionalism is appreciated.
UPDATE InjProfiles LEFT JOIN TOPS_TABLE ON InjProfiles.API = TOPS_TABLE.API SET InjProfiles.[Zone] = IIf([InjProfiles]![Top]>=[TOPS_TABLE]![DEPTH] And [InjProfiles]![Bottom]<=[TOPS_TABLE]![BASE],[TOPS_TABLE]![SURFACE],"NO RECORD");
Yeah, your results look great, but when I use that process I do not get the same results.
I am a newby to this stuff so patience is required. If I did not state what I needed clearly I am sorry.
I want my results to look exactly the way you last posted. I dont know how to further explain my...
Sorry for the error it was suppose to be 150 to 200. Thanks for your help skip....unfortunatley I tried a left outer join before I came to this forum.
Because I have more then one well 2 when it goes to table 2 it just looks at one well 2 record. If it randomly grabs the right record with the...
Thanks for the article Skip. This is what I meant that it is random. It links a record to another randomly as long as it fits the join criteria, but if there are several records that fit the join criteria it only chooses one to run through the rest of the criteria.
I was hoping someone had already written the VBA for something similar so I could edit it to my circumstance.
Maybe I dont understand joins as much as I did. I was under the impression if I were to create a many to many relationship it would link the first record of table 1 to the first record...
Well the issue is the WellName is not unique in either table. So if I joined them it would grab the first record and thats it. I need it to start with the firs record in table two and find that wellname in table one. If the criteria fits then apply the wellname to table two. If not then look for...
Thank you for both replies. I havent written any code yet since I have never done anything like this before due to it being above my skill level.
The reason it is so hard is that neither tables do relate.
In Skip's example it would have to be:
Where b.[WellName] = a.[WellName]
I have two tables in an access database.
Table_1 has a [RockBott]](base depth of a type of rock) and [RockTop](start depth of a type of rock), [Rock_Name], and [WellName](not unique)
Table_2 includes [perfTOP](a start depth of perforations in Rock), [perfBott] (base depth of perforations to the...
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