here is the same picture a little bit bigger.
Its a list of some items often stored in an .fFunctionFactory feature, which can be restricted and unrestricted.
I wonder what they have in common so they appear in this list.
Can someone explain me what those elements in the red rectangle are, where are they kept , how can i create my own.
Second, what mean the numbers in the brackets in the orange rectangle.
See screenshot:
Or, is there any pdf, where i can read about that?
I am trying to make a list of users based on the ACL (acces control list which is based on DTreeACL) for items like folders and so on.
Lets say, i have an Folder with the ID=11567 ('Customer Service' in this case).
This folder hes his ACL, the list of users and groups which have acces to...
For now i have 'mastered' the tutorial where the addressbook module is made, i have done it few times and understand the procedure of making a module and functionality, Also i have learned the fundamentals out of the PDF , builder fundamentals and did some modules on my own. For now i have no...
Its an WebNodeAction/WebNodeCMD action. So i think it can not have a subtype number (bcos its not an item? ).
I am trying to add the restriction to the second section of the page.
My idea was something like orphaning an item like there is :
i am trying to add an personal restriction section on System Administration like described on the picter below.
Its foe my modul , which is an function on the function menu.
what should i orphan, or how do i fint what i should orphan?
HI, i have a question on this thread again. I try to do the same what i did on folders, but no on Worksapces .
(If you read the first 3 posts on this thread it will be clear)
you suggested:
"you can use the pChildCount value to get the number of direct child items of that node...
It was not the refresh thing, ( i see what you mean). It didnt update at all the features. (ok , yes it did in the 'this' object but not in the exernal feature).
Now it worsk, when i write it as globals as in the post above: It updates the .fNodetypeList as soon as it compiles the corresponding...
Scenario2 is correct, i check some chechkboxes in the weblingo, and based on that , i make a List (everytime i hit the 'Save Changes' buttno) (this is the case when postop == save)
Anyway i solved it, thk you guys for takeing the time, i was stuck on this for few days now i guess i...
Ok it works now. i have to write it as global variables:
$CustfolderAdvanced.AdvancedInfoConfig.fNodetypeList = tempNodetypeList
your code works fine, i made a new script with your code and the 2 new features fList and fList1 and they are updated at the same moment the line of code was compiled.
I dont get it, its the same situation but mine is not working. Here is my Execute method maybe you can find...
@appnair For that you are right i dont need a list in a list, it was just a try to do it that way. since the other way it didnt work.
So if i remove the {} it still wont update the external fNodetypeDy.
i hope my secound post will explain what my confusion is.
There is the same situation with the .fTest feature . This picture will explain the situation well:
(before i send you any code)
the explanation:
The code in frame 1 ,sets the .fTest to 7 .
7 is set to test2 which is confirmed in Frame2 ...
On the picture there are these two features which i want to update:
The method that should update them is the 'Execute' method marked with number 3.
So, they are all in the same object.
And, in the debugger window you see what it should send to the features as well as the...
maybe some more info:
Similiar to the picture:
Like described in frame 1, the changes can take efect after restart.
And, like in frame 2 its a list of checkboxes like
◘ Folder
◘ Shortcut
and so on.
When i check Folder , then the value '0' is added to the list in _nodetypes. (or somewhere...
I hope this will be easy to answer.
So i am trying to make an request handler/htm with checkboxes which will change the list in the feature _Nodetypes (in Cmd and Actions).
So to add and remove the numbers in here (with checkboxes):
function List _Nodetypes()
return { 0, 202, 136, 141, 142...
I managed to activate the infoTabs , so ist not important (i found the function which populates and other stuff).
Now, the only problem is the weired searchbar or what it is.
Im not sure if i should edit it in the weblingo or in the _SubclassExecuteComponents.
I saw that im missing nodeRec in my
I have to find out what to put in there.
_SubClassExecuteComponents is empty (default) and this is a part of the weblingo:
;Integer i
;Assoc response = .fResponse
;dynamic request = .fRequest
;Assoc data =
So i implemented my functionality as mentioned here
Now i have my tab here :
When i click it i get my html (without the other tabs, and with some problems with the header search bar i think) like here...
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