My laptop wont run asp, it justs ask make do i want to open it in notepad, wont run in the browser, IIS7 installed and i get welcome IIS7 home page but asp wont run, any ideas please?
Trying to think this one through so a bit of help of you guys may solve it.
I'm need to create some clicks off sites, these links will come from different sites so i want to know which and how many clicks are being gathered
my simple URL is
How is this coded encoded or decoded?
If Err.Number<>(&h14ad+859-&H1808) Then zd00d4cc179 Err.Number,Err.Description,Err.Source,""
z1c126544a4=Replace(z1c126544a4,"<!--*Header*-->",z33888dbd2a(Server.MapPath(tstSkinsPath) &"\" &ze7db80dbfc &"\header.html"))...
I have a voting poll and 5 options for yes no or abstain.
db is simple for now, 5 rows each with fields
id, choice1=yes, choice2=no, choice3=abstain and vote1 vote2 vote3
catching the counts for each.
I want to user only have one for for each row.. lets say each topic is
topic1, topic2.. etc...
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