I am looking for all drivers that are attached to the reservation number to print on the same page. I have been trying so hard. I really appreciate your help :)I will keep playing around with it. I know where there is a will there is a way!
Group by reservationnbr
Group Header (suppressed)-----------------------------
// Clear using a formula field in the group header.
stringvar Name := "";
Detail (Not supressed) I need the reservation to print out on paper---------------------------------
// Accumulate...
Seq_Nbr ReservationID ReservationNbr Name RentalDriversID
8450 44349 16088 Shawn 123456
692 44349 16088 Justin 7891011
I need for my form to print both Names on one line
Reservation: 16088
Requested Driver Name(s) Shawn, Justin
I am horrible...
I have been trying to get two Names to print out on one sheet.
Can someone help me?
Seq_Nbr ReservationID ReservationNbr Name RentalDriversID
2739 46317 16693 HUNT 47035
1552 46317 16693 KELLER 47036
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