The file exists. Since the if you remove the spaces from the file name, it's all right.
Example I create a list
foreach val [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images/" *] {
lappend img [file tail $val]
puts $img
and call the sort function
set im [lsort -command sortl $img]
I wrote a function to sort a list:
proc sortl {first second} {
set f1 [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images" $first]
puts f1=$f1
set t1 [clock format [file mtime "$f1"] -format %H%M%S]
set f2 [glob -nocomplain -directory "F:/Tcl_project/images" $second]
set t2 [clock...
How can I execute javascript code with tcl? Operating system windows. Where can I find detailed instructions?
Found engine spidermonkey-1.8.5, but it did not work with it from tcl.
Sorry for my English.
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