Hi All,
I have couple of question and need some help on my task. Im stucked and need to see my error. Please help.
Basically, I just need to an autosuggest on my input text.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"...
That's good to hear for MS-Access has no problem inserting.
Im using the MySQL Database,(MyISAM engine), and datatype is LONGTEXT.
And here's the insert statement.
<cfquery datasource="#ds#" name="q_insert">
INSERT INTO tb_article
I have used the<CFQUERYPARAM> tag on my SQL query insert statement,
<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" value="#form.f_content3#">
but im still getting the same problem/issue.
Any help please? Thanks.
Nope I'm not using cfqueryparam tag.
I found that the html generated code were not completely saved into my table column.
For example, the generated html code were :
<h3 style="color:blue;">
Marriott to open first Sri Lankan property</h3>
<br />
<strong>After</strong> signing...
Hi CFguys,
I have a textarea form on my page...and I made my textarea field like an Editor for my content to be able modify(font,headings,alignment etc).
But when I'm about to insert it to my DB table, insert won't continue.
i've set my table column as LongText data-type....
I made some...
How can I see my stored procedures in phpmyAdmin? What are the tools/IDE that I need to install so that I can view my stored procedures,functions,views in MySQL database?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards.
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