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  • Users: mbiro
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  1. mbiro

    Select for a sliding timespan

    No. Not homework. Real life trying to find cheaters for online exams.
  2. mbiro

    Select for a sliding timespan

    I have a simple table that three fields: StudentNumber, ExamGrade, ExamDate. I want to select a list of StudentNumbers where the student took at least 3 exams within a 5 day period (ExamDate) and had a grade(ExamGrade) of 70 or better on each exam. Make sense? The 5-day period is not predefined...
  3. mbiro

    Why does this happen

    Perhaps a discussion about proper exception handling is outside the scope of the question? I certainly wasn't trying to write the complete solution; only a nudge in a direction. But, you are correct. You should avoid swallowing an exception and log it.
  4. mbiro

    Why does this happen

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I would do it like this: Public Function GetFTPInfoSQL() As SqlDataReader Dim cmd As New SqlCommand() Dim cn As New SqlConnection(ConnString) GetFTPInfoSQL = new SqlDataReader cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text...
  5. mbiro

    Login as Different User with Windows Authentication

    I have my web.config set to authentication mode=Windows. this works fine. Is there a way that I can have a "Login as Differnet User" button/functionality where my site would prompt for a username and password and my site would act as if I was that user? My company uses Sharepoint and it uses...
  6. mbiro

    asp:menu - What are the 'Items Remaining' that take so long to load

    Here is the control: <asp:Menu ID="Menu1" Orientation="Horizontal" DynamicBottomSeparatorImageUrl="imagesDA/sep.gif" DynamicPopOutImageUrl="imagesDA/expand.gif" StaticEnableDefaultPopOutImage="false" StaticPopOutImageUrl="" runat="server" BackColor="#000000" DynamicHorizontalOffset="2"...
  7. mbiro

    asp:menu - What are the 'Items Remaining' that take so long to load

    I have a master page with an asp:menu control. The control has both static and dynamic templates. each page I go to on my site, there is a message in the status bar at the bottom of the browser that says '(150 Items Remaining) and it counts down from 150 to 0. This takes several seconds on each...
  8. mbiro

    a better way to do this script - using lots of replace()

    Function Enc(str) Dim lLBound Dim lUBound Dim lCtr Dim sAns dim FindChars(6) findchars(0)="\" findchars(1)="{" findchars(2)="}" findchars(3)="'" findchars(4)="(" findchars(5)=")" lLBound = LBound(FindChars) lUBound = UBound(FindChars) sAns = str For lCtr = lLBound To lUBound...
  9. mbiro

    grabbing coreect details

    SELECT t_users_1.name FROM t_users INNER JOIN t_users AS t_users_1 ON t_users.refid = t_users_1.id WHERE (t_users.id = 2)
  10. mbiro

    ClientScript overwrite

    I have a Sub that I call at the end of my page_load sub: Public Sub pageLook() Dim script As New StringBuilder ... Dim csname1 As String = "startup" Dim cstype As Type = Me.GetType() Dim cs As ClientScriptManager = Page.ClientScript If (Not...
  11. mbiro

    Update AD Users

    I had this exact same problem two weeks ago. Never got i to work as it should. I did find a work around, though. Instead of this line: [code] user.Invoke("ChangePassword", New Object() {oldPassword, newPassword}) [\code] I used this: [code] user.Invoke("SetPassword", New Object() {newPassword})...
  12. mbiro

    How to make the ASP code work in all browsers

    IE is a lot more forgiving than mozilla in badly formatted html. View the source of the mozilla page. It may give clues as to where the HTML went wrong. I have had Netscape not show a page because of a simple missing closing tag. Also Mozilla has plugins that will debug the html and javascript...
  13. mbiro

    Membership- ChangePassword

    In VS2005, I've dropped a createUserWizard control, a login control, a Passwg8ordRecovery control, and a changePassword control onto a page. I am using ActiveDirectory as my mebership provider. I have extended the schema to allow for for the Qustion/Answer part of recovery. The password requires...
  14. mbiro

    Authentication Required needed locally - but not on the 'net

    And you open it with this? or this? http://localhost/site_name
  15. mbiro

    Authentication Required needed locally - but not on the 'net

    You have your files here? C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\site_name
  16. mbiro


    Thanks for the reply, Jason. I am coming to the same conclusion. It is weird, though, that MSDN shows it as being an attribute...
  17. mbiro

    I think I got it down, but still need help.

    If all you are trying to do is prevent someone from clicking the button again while the process is running, here is a simple way to accomplish it... http://www.eggheadcafe.com/tutorials/aspnet/87272b03-adec-45e1-b157-b21da3714dfd/aspnet-animated-gifs-and.aspx Worked well for me.
  18. mbiro


    With .net 2.0, I am using the ADMembershipProvider to connect to Active Directory (not ADAM). Looking through the MSDN sites, it shows an attribute 'enablePasswordRetrieval' that can be true or false. Every example I find on Google shows it set to false. I would like to set it to true, but...
  19. mbiro

    On_SelectedIndexChanged quits If page is not valid

    Why do you have values in your dropdown that would not pass the validator? Or is the validator on other controls?
  20. mbiro

    Populating dropdown list based on session variable?

    I do not see where your stored procedure is looking for @subID nor do I see where you are passing @subID to the procedure. Can you provide that code? It is good practice to only ask the database for the records you need so I would not have the asp filter.

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