Kind of on the same line, we planned on using a chr(13) as a delimeter to tell the field whether to be bold or not.
It works, only if there is at least one character on the new line, otherwise, it doesn't bold.
Any thoughts?
if instr({QuoteDet.Descrip},chr(13)) <> 0 then crbold
Never mind - stupidity on my part is reigning this morning.
Embarrassed to say that I merely didn't have the field sized to encompass all of the text. Isn't there an AutoSize of some sort for fields in a report?
Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, my first attempt was as follows:
right({QuoteDet.Descrip}, length({QuoteDet.Descrip})- InStr({QuoteDet.Descrip}, chr(13)))
However, it left the field blank. I should note there are multiple character returns in the paragraph, but again, worked fine in VB ...
Newbie - be gentle ...
This works fine:
This does NOT:
local numbervar x;
local numbervar y;
x := instr({QuoteDet.Descrip},chrw(13));
y := length({QuoteDet.Descrip});
right({QuoteDet.Descrip},y - x )
IT works fine in VB, why not...
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