I'm thinking now a workflow from a list maybe the only route.
Is it possible to create a workflow similar to the "Collect Feedback" workflow, but caputure feedback from multiple users?
There is about 300 reports and we're trying to determine which ones are in use and which ones are not. I think doing a survey for each report would for one take a lot of time and two wouldn't be very user friendly. It may turn out that sharepoint may not be the answer to this issue, but i'm...
I have a list of reports in our business and what i want to do is send out a survey to every user asking them a set of questions per report. For each report we want to ask the following questions:
Do you use the report? Y/N How often do you use it? Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually Is...
Right so now i have the following code which is pretty close, however the two opening and closing balances don't seem to be merging and removing the old opening and closing balances? Does anyone have any ideas? Am able to supply test data if required.
( ID...
what i mean to say is only merge records where there are two capital accounts? ie where AcctType = 'CCY' AND w.AcctSubType = 'SET' and for the same currency? So add some more to the where clause before the union?
Sorry i think i'm gettin myself overly confused over this, basically my code at...
Unfortunately this seem to make no difference. I still have the same table as i started with. Would not only want to merge the records where certain fields met a certain criteria?
I'm guessing the code would start something like this:
IF(SELECT Count(distinct w.AcctID)
FROM #Workbook w
WHERE w.AcctType = 'CCY'
AND w.AcctSubType = 'SET'
AND w.Curr = w.Curr) > 1
Basically in an ideal world you have one capital account per currency, but as we all know this isn't an ideal world and on occassions we have two capital accounts per currency. So basically as a step in my stored proc i want to be able to check for more than one capital account, and if there is...
SQL Server 2008
I have an issue where i have two of the same accounts which i would like to merge together, the list looks like below:
AcctID AcctType AcctSubType Curr TransType Amount
1 CCY SET EUR Opening 1000
SQL 2008
I've created a script which returns a list, however when i want to pass a field from my select in @Worktable into a parameter of a function which is linkted to @Worktable i get the error:
"The multi part identifier 'pos.alt_curr_cde' could not be bout"
My script is:
Right sorry, i've got the list now in my list of fields in SSRS from the select i've added above. So how can i get this to link to my @Worktable table?
Well your original way brought back errors of "invalid column name".
Your second way i added:
IF 1=2
SELECT '' as Stringfield1, '' as Datefield1, 0 as ValueField1, '' as Stringfield2
I added this like this:
I've tried all of the above and i still get only "Section" under field names. It doesn't make any sense to me, surely i should be getting all the columns from @Worktable in my list of fields?
SQL 2008
Report Builder 3.0
This is probably going to be a stupid question.
I'm converting a load of Crystal Reports over into SSRS. All of the reports are based upon SQL stored proc's. I have this stored proc
USE [InfoPortal]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure...
Excel 2010
I've got a list of reports which give the report number, report description and the stored proc which goes with it. example below:
1 Report1 SP1
2 Report2 SP2
3 Report3 SP3
4 Report4 SP1
5 Report5...
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