Working on creating a script that will pull system information from machines on a network. The machine names are listed in an excel file and should pull them in a loop. I had the code in 2 sections origionally, the Loop and the Information gathering, but when i combine them the output.txt file...
objOutputFile.WriteLine date & " " & Time & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & _
i use excel to get my line numbers. I know its silly but there are reasons i have to do it this way.
RemoteMachine = InputBox("Enter the Machine Name or IP Address you wish to Query:")
If RemoteMachine = "" Then
MsgBox ("You Must Enter A Machine Name or IP Address.") : WScript.quit
End If
I cant get it to log to the text file. I had it before and then i broke it into pieces and put it in a nice order so it can be followed. Now it will not work right and i know its because i reordered everything. At work i do not ahve a script writer im just using notepad and im really not that...
everything im finding is doing the code line by line. I know its all wrong but i guess im not understanding.
Dim objFileSystem, objOutputFile
Dim strOutputFile
' generate a filename base on the script name
strOutputFile = "c:\output.txt"
Set objFileSystem =...
This is how i am echoing the info im requesting but id love for it to go to a text file or some sort of log so it is neater
For Each objSWbemObject in colSWbemObjectSet
wscript.echo "Hard Drive Space",VbCrLf,_
"Megabytes of Free Disk Space on c:\ ", Int(FreeMegaBytes), VbCrLf, _...
I am trying to show the printers mapped to a computer. I only want the network printers to show up not the local ones. This script will show them but it also shows the document writers and other misc crap i dont want. Any ideas would help.
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" &...
I have been working on this script for awhile and i cannot get it to work remotely with a variable from a larger script. RemoteMachine is the variable being worked with. I basically need the searchlist for the dns to be used with the variable,
function readFromRegistry (strRegistryKey...
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