I clicked on "Click Here To Start A New Thread Referencing This One" on the end of the above mentioned thread,
cause I found a solution that works for me.
1. included "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\foxcode.DBF"
(In fact I first copied the DBF and FPT into my...
Hi craigber, MikeLewis and whoever will read that,
the problem is solved. There was no single C0000005 in the past weeks.
For me it looks like calling a BROWSE from another BROWSE caused the error. Turning those into a grid did the trick. I had to deal with the scope of some variables. I did...
Hi guys (and girls!),
the second replacement is done, which means there is no BROWSE involved anymore.
The SET FILTER TO and all that other 'spaghetti code' stayes so far. There is no explicit buffering. The two free tables are the RecordSource for the grids, which are both read-only.
It was...
My favorite solution introduced by Martin Krivka on (Thread ID: 293475) is:
if isnull(m.instance)
=messagebox("One instanc is already running ...")
* only1run.prg
#define CLASS_NAME...
The first replacement is done.
Instead of the BROWSE I put in a DO FORM SCXS\OrderGrid.scx.
The grid in there has got
- RecordSource = 'Order'
- RecordSourceType = 1
Some (not all, e.g. Alt-A) ON KEY LABEL moved into KeyPress.
(Surprising was, honestly confessing: The grid didn't stop program...
Thanks to all. I am glad.
@Craig: Wonderful idea. I never thought of that, since my picture of BROWSE was a grid anyway.
@Dan: Have to move. Client wants modernization. I don't like those SET FILTERs either. They were introduced by my predecessor. But they worked.
@Mike: Of course there is IF...
Hi FoxPerts,
I had an absolute stable application when it was in FPW.
I ran a conversion and did surprisingly few manual adaptions and everything seemed to work fine in VFP9 SP2.
The data stayed having 2.6 headers, since some workstations have to use the old FPW-app.
The error:
The C0000005...
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