To xwb:
I'm running CVF v6.5. What I have tried so far is:
- I have compiled all subroutines given along with the dll in a .lib file
- I have added this lib file to my project.
At this point when I try to compile, I get the errors:
unresolved external symbol _CHAMP@20
unresolved external...
Unfortunately this doesn't help. I'm actually a step behind that guy. What was given with the library distribution is a compiled dll library that I'm trying to link to my code and some related subroutines that I have compiled to a .lib file.
I'm trying to link a .dll file to my fortran code. The dll is a compiled shared library of subroutines. The instructions I've found online seem quite complicated and so far they haven't gotten me very far.
Does anyone have any idea how I should go about it?
For the enlightenment of future generations:
What I finally did (and should have done from the beginning apparently) instead of looping from inside fortran is I wrote a batch file performing the above loops. Since the program executed for each iteration and then closed before beginning a new...
I read here that write (6,*) (which I use a lot in my code) causes some sort of memory leak that print *, does not. Would that make any sense at all, or am I too desperate for an easy solution :-)?
Does anyone know any good way to check memory usage and allocation in fortran?
Thanks a lot for...
I put a write statement just before the closing of each file and it showed that they closed ok in the test runs.
The exact OPEN - CLOSE statements are:
DO 10 n10=0,360,30 ! the innermost loop
OPEN (UNIT=11,FILE=outfile_coords)
OPEN (UNIT=16,FILE=outfile_invars)
C outfile_coords and...
Thanks for the reply!
Ok, it turns out that the data were dumped in only one output folder because of a wrong if statement ([blush]). I also changed my indices to integers.
The output is done now correctly but still, once the size of the output files reaches ~2.5 Gb, the size of my RAM, the...
Hi all!
My program is constructed using three nested for loops: for each distance value the program executes for e.g. 10 energy values and for each energy value the program executes for e.g. 10 phase values. Using CALL system('mkdir ...') I organize the output in folders accordingly.
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