No, the following link states it will count both the start day and end day so the answer should be 3. I only get the result of 1 no matter howmany days are between, sonthing is not calulating right and I can't figure out where the problem in the formula is...
I even tried putting the if statement in parentheses. The formula had no errors but I still get the same result.
Local DateVar Start := (If {Schedule.Activity} = "002881" then
date ({Schedule.App_DtTm}));
Local DateVar End := (If {Schedule.Activity} = "Volumes Ap" then...
I just tried putting the if statement within the local dateVar Start and End but I get the same result. as stated above.
Local DateVar Start := If {Schedule.Activity} = "002881" then
date ({Schedule.App_DtTm});
Local DateVar End := If {Schedule.Activity} = "Volumes Ap"...
Thanks LB, I did add the colons and I get no error in the formula but it still does not return the right data. I have a record that have a simulation date of 1/19/2011 (Wed) and a Volumes Approved of 1/21/2011 (Fri). The result should be 3. It still returns a result of 1. I am wondering if...
Thanks lbass, I took your suggested link and developed the following formula. This formula is supposed to count the days bettwe the start date (1/19/2011) and end date (1/21/2011). The results of the formula should be 3 but I am getting a result of 1. I added a condition to the formula and I...
Hi lbass, Thanks for getting back to me. I ws out of the office on Friday, so sorry I did not get back to you.
I would like to calculate only weekday hours between 6:30 am and 7:00 pm (Monday thru Friday).
Thanks, John
I reveived the very valuable information below for LBass. It work perfectly. But after looking at the data, it calculates all hours in in a week. Now I am getting into an area that I am less familiar. My question; is there a way to eliminate weekend hours and only calculate the hours Monday...
LBASS, what worked perfectly, you are always a big help! My problem, and I do this often, is trying to build it all in one formula. This will help me tremendously! Thank you!
I am creating a formula field in Crystal Reports. I have the formula named and am having trouble with the syntax. I need this to be a conditional formula and the result will be the time difference between a dates/time field based on a condition.
The fields are:
{Schedule App_DtTm} which...
I have a question about caluculating dates/times:
I have a report that that uses the following fields; {Schedule.ApptDtTm} and {Schedule. Activity} that gives me a time-line of scheduled appointments based on the activity. The results of my report looks like this:
Patient: XXX
I ran the report that way and I got all my data except the activities 4,5,6 equaled S.
Would the OR confuse the formula, it is one OR the other, not both?
{Schedule.Status} <> "X" and
{Schedule.Status} <> "S" and
select {Schedule.Activity} in ["1", "2", "3"] and
select {Schedule.Activity} in ["4", "5", "6"] and
{Schedule.SchStatus_Hist_SD} = "S"
This is how I wrote the formula. But when I run it; activities 1,2,3 work fine, but I still get all...
Thanks NiceArms! It did work for me and pointed me in the right direction for some other reports I am writing. I did exclude all status X and S and them selected only those activities that I needed to display that did have the status S.
You Rock!
I need help with a report on two field with two separate data selections on these two field and show the results in the same report.
The two fields are {Schedule.Activity} and {Schedule.Status}
I need to select:
From the {Schedule.Activity} I need to select the activity [“1”, “2”, “3”] where...
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