The Err.Clear fixed it, thanks!!!
Thanks for the info on turning off the error checking too!
I was trying different things in my desperation and that is what the Exit was... I actually already knew that didn't work and thought I took it out prior to posting.
Thanks for the responses!
This is driving me crazy! I have the below code that works somewhat. What I want it to do is at the 2 points where it has the If Err.Number <> 0 Then statements to execute the code below then loop back to the top to start over again. What it is doing is executing the first computer in the...
Below is a working script that will spit out the services running on a given machine into a csv file. The problem is that I need it to run on remote servers that are not part of the domain. Please help!
Const ForAppending = 8
Set objFSO =...
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