I have a report which has a command added (departments which start with a specific letter) to limit the data into a drop down lists (Department Name cacading to the Position codes associated with the department selected) in the main report . This report has worked for months, but now the...
That worked perfectly. Thank you for your time and expertise. If I wanted this to not show on the report how would that be done? I notice if I suppress my formulas based on the shared variable do not calculate.
I now have the correct value but the first record is blank and each next record seems to have the above records value.
Jane Shared StringVar Y but Main report Displays blank
John Shared StrinVar N but Main report Diplays Y (Jane correct value)
This continues through the entire report?
I have setup a shared stringvar formula in a subreport:
shared stringVar Pension;
if isnull ({@Pension}) then "N" else
Pension := {@Pension}
The @Pension formula above is:
if {BENEFITS.ST_DATE}< date (2012,04,01) and
{BENEFITS.START_CD} = "Y" then "Y" else "N"
When the...
Thank you IBass. I am not following or have not clearly expressed my problem, sorry either way. It is the days I need a total for and some are partial days e.g.
Group Level 1 Employee Number
Group Level 2 Shift Date
Jane on...
I have a crystal 2008 report which pulls employee time hours. The report is grouped by employee then date. The daily hours are summaried. With a formula if {@Hour Type}= "SH" then {PAYIHIST.WORKEDHRS}/Sum ({PAYIHIST.WORKEDHRS}, {PAYIHIST.SHIFTDATE}, "daily") else 0 the sick hours are...
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