The FilteredController idea with interfaces is great. Thanks for the excellent advice.
Yes; after looking at your approach and thinking about the design a bit more, I think I have two layers of filtering. One would be the initial decision if we should process the message (canProcess). Then, out...
I meant to also note that the decision to process the Message is in another class (e.g. Controller). The MessageFilter or FilterableMessage would only tell the Controller the type of Message (via a boolean). For example the Controller would make a call like this...
Thanks for the reply.
The language will be Java.
Message is a very rich domain object (it's quickfix.Message and has methods to parse the message (private), etc. ).
To determine the type of message, I look at the field values of the message. For example,
I am working with a library that has a class called Message. I need to have a way to determine if the message is a duplicate, a test message, or if it is one of a few other types of messages. The duplicate check will be made against a database. The rest of checks will be based on just the...
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