My fortran comipler is gfortran so it should work.I've made some changes to the code:
program vol_aqua
implicit none
real:: length,width,height,volume
character(8) :: name
open (1,FILE='data02.txt',status='old')
read(1,'(A10,F10.2)') name,height...
It doesn't work.When code looks like this:
program vol_aqua
implicit none
character (8) :: name
OPEN (1,FILE='data01.csv',status='old')
read(1,*) name,height
read(1,*) name,lenght
read(1,*) name,width
Now i'm thinking that there's got to be a way to read variables even when data file (data.csv) looks like this
height 100.0
lenght 80.0
width 90.0
How to read only numbers?
Ok:)now i know what you meant but i've done it before and there was the same problem.
Now data file looks like this:
100.0 height
80.0 lenght
40.0 width
and it doesn't help.
Maybe the problem is due to a file itself because first i'm creating 'data01' as an excel file and just then i'm saving...
Sorry but i don't get it."Height" is not a real numer and "volume,width,lenght" are?
If "height" is not a real number then should it be integer (?) - but if so should't words "width,lenght" be integer also and word "volume" real?
I'm confused.
Hi all,
and thanks for preview help but another problem occured.I've wrote a code which looks like this:
program vol_aqua
implicit none
OPEN (1,FILE='data01.dat',status='old')
read(1,*) height
read(1,*) lenght
read(1,*) width...
It's me again
I found a program which writes 100 columns with numbers.Now i would like to do the same but write columns with leters like A,B,C
INTEGER i,imxcol
CHARACTER varfmt*13
varfmt='(XXX(E20.10))' !i've tried to change E20.10 on A10...
Thank you all for help:)
I've got one more question and please correct me if I am wrong.In the instruction "fmt" means format and "varfmt" is a name of format created by user.Is that correct?
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