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Search results for query: *

  1. CFDude

    What's the most user friendly API for CFML?

    Dreamweaver MX comes with Homesite + which is what ColdFusion Studio was. It has debugging features for CF, browse datasources, RDS, etc. Macromedia doesn't sell Homesite+ by itself -- you have to purchase Dreamweaver to get it. Homesite is available, but not with the built in CF debugger...
  2. CFDude

    Indicate space

    Try using #chr(32)#
  3. CFDude

    download PDF

    Not too sure, but I noticed that there was a space between ? and ControlNum -- could that be causing the problem? <a href=&quot;downloadref.cfm? ControlNum=#getreflist.controlNumber#&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>Download Form</a>
  4. CFDude

    passing javascript variables to coldfusion?

    One of the things that I do is create a hidden frame (create a frame with a 0 height) and you can change the location of the hidden frame to a cf page that will do the updates for you. An iframe will work well too.. e.g <script language=&quot;javascript&quot;> function sendStats() {...
  5. CFDude

    Set application var from script

    Thanks Tarwn! I created a scheduled task to run iexplore.exe &quot;; and that seemed to work in my test. Thanks everyone for the help! Tim P.
  6. CFDude

    Set application var from script

    To give you some more info: The array is populated from a database -- the query could take a little while to run, so I force that on the first user of the application of the day (I set another application var for the date that it was last run, and if it was run today, then use the array held...
  7. CFDude

    Set application var from script

    Hello! I have an array set as an application variable (the array is used for a drop down list on a page) -- currently I have the variable set on the first request of the page for the day. What I would like to do is schedule a script to be run at a pre-defined time that would set this...
  8. CFDude

    comparing against date value..

    Glad it helped! I personally don't like sticking any data in a table that is not necessary. It may not be much, but it could eventually add up. A NULL value is easier to work around than trying to figure out what data is in there and come up with ways to work around it. It may work fine, but...
  9. CFDude

    comparing against date value..

    Odd... must be something with access. I get the same thing. I'd suggest that you don't put a date in, if it is optional then you can test for a NULL value instead -- you mentioned you are doing this to prevent an error -- can you elaborate? You should be able to work around this easily enough...
  10. CFDude

    Web viewer exporting to Excel

    I believe we have different definitions of what a report is. The first &quot;page&quot; is just the first grouping -- A top level grouping of all the data underneath it. I wouldn't call that a &quot;summary report&quot; -- just the first view and that is the only thing that crystal will export...
  11. CFDude

    Output entire sql statement that gave database error

    Let me throw out another way -- create the sql statement outside of the cfquery as a variable and then stick it in the cfquery -- I do this all the time as a check before I do any database work and if it bombs, I have the whole query that can be output first -- then I can copy and paste the...
  12. CFDude

    Web viewer exporting to Excel

    Ken, Sure, if I didn't have any drill downs, then it would all export fine, but the fact is, I DO have drill downs that are not getting exported. In the web viewer, once you drill down, the export button becomes unavailable -- it is only available on the first page. Even if the export button...
  13. CFDude

    Web viewer exporting to Excel

    For the sake of clarity -- lets say I have 3 groups and each group is only a single page long. The export only exports the first group -- once you drill down into a second group, the export becomes unavailable. I'm referring to ALL groups, regardless of the number of pages each group may have...
  14. CFDude

    Web viewer exporting to Excel

    Sorry -- what I meant by not exporting past the first page is that it will not export all of the data that you can drill down on. Only the first grouping that is displayed automatically is exported -- nothing beyond that.
  15. CFDude

    Export reports to HTML? You may owe $10K per year.

    I was referring to the limitation of crystal where it will only export the data on the first page of the report. As far as I could tell, it was not limited to just the web viewers. However, I think with version 9, it has been fixed, but the new web interface seems much slower and printing is a...
  16. CFDude

    Summing Time, timeformat()...Over 24 hours???

    No one wants to help you, huh? :) I just did something similar in a function in sql server. The way we did it was to calculate everything in minutes and then divide it out from there. basically: <cfset totalDays = fix(totalminutes / 1440)> <cfset remainderHours = fix((totalMinutes MOD 1440)...
  17. CFDude

    Parsing a Cold Fusion variable

    Oh, I see. Well, no, you can't do that, really. You can do some functions and things, but as far as I can tell, you can't do cf tags. I've done a few things in the past where we put some functions in a table in a database and used the evaluate function to run them. You might be able to do...
  18. CFDude

    Using same check box for both delete and restore operation

    I think the easiest way to do it is to put 2 submit buttons on your page with each having a specific name attribute - then on your action page, check to find out the value of the submit button and do accordingly: <input type=&quot;checkbox&quot; name=&quot;msgid&quot; value=&quot;1&quot;>...
  19. CFDude

    Parsing a Cold Fusion variable

    You can either do: <cfset mitko = 10> <cfset ivan = mitko> or <cfset ivan = SetVariable(&quot;mitko&quot;,10)>
  20. CFDude

    Oddity: Subtracting .5

    What is the result that you get? What do you mean by it doesn't work? What version of CF? Just tried it on MX and it works fine -- you don't need Evaluate by the way.

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