Learning from you dear colleagues, the problem was solved this way:
thisform.SetAll("ReadOnly",.T.) && For all objects, except Buttons, ComboBoxes, etc(if any other object)
thisform.cboEmbarque.Enabled = .F. && For the ComboBox...
Interesting point, Griff.
The button to exit the form is Read Only, as expected.
But I will try to understand why it works when clicked (the form is indeed released!):unsure:
Hello colleagues!
I have a form with dozens of objects (ComboBox, TextBox, etc) for data entry. And I can alter previously recorded data in this form.
Is there a way to make all these objects Read Only, without having to declare each object in the form .ReadOnly=.T. ?
(there is no...
Hello, Igor!
About your 2) note: The 2.000 records (just field of names) in the combobox appears in alphabetical order and the user can type J and the combobox shows the first names starting with J. The user can continue typing, for example, Jo, and the combobox shows names starting with Jo...
Setting ListIndex=0 for the Combobox did not work for the highlighted in blue, above.
In the area highlighted in red, I already use a clean button to deselect eventual selecting if the user click the down arrow of the Combobox/es and want to give up selection/s.
Mike and Paul:
In the...
Hello colleagues!
In my form (bellow) I give the user the option to select a name from a table (names are showed in alphabetical order).
The user can filter the result of the report by a chosen name, or he/she can leave it blank. I achieved this by appending a blank record to the table.
I have just put this in the textbox QualPDEmissao, Valid event: (and nothing in the LostFocus event)
IF EMPTY(this.Value) OR this.Value>thisform.QualUDEmissao.Value
this.BackColor = RGB(255, 128, 128)
RETURN .F. && This stops the cursor from moving to the next field
Solved, following your advices:
I put in the Valid event:
IF EMPTY(This.Value)
this.BackColor = RGB(255, 128, 128)
RETURN .F. && This stops the cursor from moving to the next field
this.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) && Reset to default color if valid
SoftwareRT: I put your provided code in the LostFocus event and the result was the same: the mouse cursor went to the next field.
Martinkk: I put the code in the Valid event only and this was the result:
Hello, colleagues!
I created a form, which has a field for date, which must not be blank: the user must type a date.
If the field for the date LostFocus and is blank the field becomes red and the cursor have to stay in the field (please see bellow).
But when I run it, if I leave the field...
Great, Mark! It works now!
I have never used the command IIF. I will dive into it now, to understand how to used it, and when to used it.
I have already seen examples using it (IIF) but have never paid attention to it. It is a powerful command.
Many thanks!
Hello, Mark.
NOMECIA and NOMENAV are fields in the Cursor curReservas.
XQualCia and XQualNav are variables that keeps options.
For example, if I left a combobox without choosing a company, XQualCia will be equal to "".
I think that if choose "NORWEGIAN", only records which has NORWEGIAN in...
Following Pieter suggestion, I tested this:
(XQualNav="" OR...
Well, it worked this way:
RowAtiva=thisform.Grid1.ActiveRow && Record position in the Grid
RowRelativa=thisform.Grid1.RelativeRow && Showed visible position in the Grid
IF (RowAtiva-RowRelativa)>0
FOR AVANCAR=1 TO (RowAtiva-RowRelativa)
Mike is correct,
SET FILTER TO <your filter condition here> IN curReservas
indeed woks fine!
I had said in my above post "... sometimes it does not work" just because, after applying the filter, some lines in the Grid became invisible! If I scroll up the grid all (correctly filtered) rows...
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