15GIRLCLUB General Help Needed 1.200 hr
15XXXXCLUB General BBBB Needed XXX 4.200 hr
want to get the first 10 in the string: 15GIRLCLUB
then the next all the way up to the number: General Help...
I need to parse out multiple strings and each string can be different
15GIRLCLUB General Help Needed 1.200
15BOYSCLUB General Help 1.200
I would like to parse out like this
General Help Needed
General Help
I tried using this but its not getting...
My thinking. Once you setup a session variable. then it can be access to any page in your application. So with that thinking. This is my link that goes to another page
Response.Write"<tr align=left><td><a href=""" & "XML_CHECK.asp?fname=" & item.Name & _
""" target=""mainFrame"">" & url & "...
I have a session variable. it works on some pages but not all them
I have my first page setup this way for my session variable
Session("user") = request.form("user") I go to the next page by using form action
On the second pages I have this:
this works fine
Dim testing
testing =...
Is there a way to push the variable to another page
the variable is not part of the form
I tried this
<form id="form4" name="form3" method="post" action="another_page.asp '<%filename%>'">
I am trying to pass a variable to a vbscript function
using a button in my form. For some reason its not working for me. Can someone help me?
i appreciate any help
<script language="vbscript">
function send(filename2)
Value = MsgBox ("You deleted the file...",4,"You deleted the...
I have a form that is validating textboxs that are empty.
textbox name
Can someone help with a problem I have
If I have a value in emplid then I don't want to validate firstname lastname. if I have a value in firstname and lastname Then I don't want to validate...
Can anyone help me with this?
I'm trying to parse out this String into variables. I'm assuming I would have to loop through the string.
Here is the string but this string would always be different.
So every time there is a "-" strip the data out and when there is a "," it would loop and strip...
Thanks in advance
I have a loop that produces checkboxes and results from my variables. Then I build a table to display the results.
I want to make each checkbox to be unigue to each row in the table.
user clicks a button if the checkboxes are checked then some how grab the results from the...
Thanks in Advance
I'm having a problem getting the values from this XML file.
I can loop throught the XML file however the values does not line up correct.
example: I want to get all the OrginaID and CIPCODE values
that are associated with the SessionDesignator. I tried looping thru the the...
I have a loop that loops through an XML when I come to the node1 there might be some that don't have a value (i). I tried to use a if statement to catch the value thats blank
XML info
ElementTag.Node1 well have node2 and node3 under it
then there would be another ElementTag.Node1 with node2 and...
Cool this works.
I have another question or problem. Is there way to setup the link to open the file (XML) and read it then display the nodes on the right frame.
Dim xml
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = False
xml.load (Server.MapPath("file.xml"))
Thanks in advance.
This code loops through a directory and places the value in a response.write link.
I am using Frames to display the data. I have a left frame and a content (right) frame. Right now it shows the file content in the left frame once I click it. What I would like to do...
I have another question: Is there a way to link the values to the physical file. and open the file and read it? these files are XML files.
Im using Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") to read the XML file.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />...
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