That was going to be my next try and you reaffirmed my suspicion.
I went to other computers which has SBT clients on them and they were all mapped to F: as the network drives. I thought of trying that right away but Windows reconfigured all the drives on the system after install and drive F got...
ok, found the sbt workstation install and its a version 7.2,
ran the installation, pointed to the directory where application resides on server and still the same error.
Found the oldest VFP version we have and installed that as well, same problem.
For my situation I mapped drive Z to point to...
Thanks, I'll try that.
I can't find SBT install CD but found VFP7.0 so I'll try that.
Any idea why it works on Win 7 home client without installing any other software besides making the shortcut ?
I was tasked with setting up a new computer at my company with SBT application residing on a server. NO-one seems to know how it all works, including myself so forgive me for my ignorance.
This was setup for someone on the same machine, different hdd, who was already using SBT correctly from XP...
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