Dear friends,
my issue is the following:
I would like to close a "program" (named P1, for semplicity),
launched by a my exe (P2) (which uses "call sysemt ('P1.exe input_file').)
This software (P1), of which I haven't the source, to be closed (and return the control to P2),
needs to push a...
Dear NickFork, thanks for your reply. I know I used some time for the last post, but I'm happy that at least you saw what i did, becouse there are interesting passages as the possibility to convert an character in to an internal varible (by using pointers and an internal data-base ).
Dear friends, I ask perdon for the late in reply, but i used some time to solve the problem.
What I really wanted was a way where one doesn't need to compile again a dll. or some lines of code.
From the GerritGroot entry, that made me ring a bell, i started to look for some preexisting fortran...
Dear friends
I'm using a code, which reads some parameters from an external file (unit=100); These parameters are inserted into an expression (or equation) and the result of the expression tells to the code how it proceed.
I'd like to be able to change the expression without change the source...
Thanks dear FJacq,
again your reply turn on the light of my brain (and it's not so easy, it is really a black box :) ).
This night going to home I was thinking this soluction, but I didn't understand the real motivation, which is that: poiter, like array, have to respect the costant stride. So...
Hi dear friens,
I have the following problem that i think might be a solution
suppose to heve the following code:
real, dimension(1:3), target :: max
real, dimension(1:4), target :: min
real, dimension(:), pointer :: p1,p2
so far it is all ok.
What i'd like...
Hi guys,
i'm breaking my head with a problem that i'm not able to solve!; I have a doubt it could be easier than it seems, but i can't find the way
i'm developing an user interface for a genetic algorithm.
In this GA there are some genes, that pilot an external code. Up today I've changed the...
on linux
absoft 8.0, lahey 8.1, gfortran 4.1
on windows
lahey 5.6
I think I have tested the write namelist on windows (lahey) and on linux with lahey 8.1, gfortran 4.1 not with absoft.
Usualy I work with F95. Any way i have never find any kind of possible controll on the format. I have seen...
I'd like to be able to control the output format when I write an namelist on a file.
I call a compiled code from my fortran code.
This compiled code needs an input file , which is clearly wrote by using namelist. My code has to charge the variables from this input file, works on them and at...
Dear Fjacq,
at the end I have to close this story, also becouse you was very kind gave me a lot of help.
After i solved all what was solvable with your help, the problem came from the MPI library. So for who will use l"am-mpi" watch out, because they have some bugs by using mpi_structure and...
Dear Fjacq,
I have read your reply; what you say make sense, like ever; although I have checked that the addresses of the different elements in cromF and in cromF2 shown the same gap from the base to the elements. Clearly this case could be a lucky case and I'm sure that your suggestion remains...
ok i have a lot to learn!
anyway in the blockcounts(1:3), the "mpi call" asks the gap from the precedent adress, not the starting position so if i start from position "this%gene(1)" i obtain:
probably one needs to consider two differents...
Dear Fjacq,
I'm grateful to have met a preparate person like you! so i go ahead with my questions :)
What you say makes sense and more, but let me try to understand as better I can; what exactly do you mean for descriptor in the last sentence? is it the name of the derived type, the clearly...
I apologize for the length of the title :)
In the code that i'm modifing I have created a class that contains a derived type that in turn contains an allocatable vector of reals (crom) (further :idon (real) and pos(integer)):
module class_crom
use random_N
type crom
Ok so if I find a trick to load an array of arrays - loading the components one by one (like with a loop) - it works; what is important into the code -if i have well understood- is that one must never write the espresion of array of arrays ... this has sense.
I suppose in your test program ...
Thanks a lot dear FJacq, but clearly -just starting to construct my structure - I stopped on a point that makes me mad.
I hope you will give a look to these few lines:
program test_allocation
type elettrone
real,pointer, dimension (:) :: gene
integer :: id...
please help me to understand this point before I will waste time.
I'd like to understand if it is possible to use allocatable into a "type structure". I tested this easy code:
program test_allocation
type elettrone
real,allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: vx...
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