Hi everyone,
Sorry for my late answer, i've been practising a lot with my script and i finally found out that Excel already crashes at the:
Set doc = d.createDocumentFromUrl(url, vbNullString)
part instead of the Doc.readystate, is there an alternative for this function?
Thanks a lot!
This is the doc-object:
Dim d As New MSHTML.HTMLDocument
Dim doc As HTMLDocument
Set doc = d.createDocumentFromUrl(urlhun, vbNullString)
After the 'Set doc' part the readystate check is being performed.
Hi Everyone,
I Made a VBA Macro for Excel, the VBA script checks several websites for links, source code etc. I get the links out of the source code by doc.Links
Before the source-code is being downloaded I'm checking if the site is completely loaded. I perform this check by the following...
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