Hi, Annihilannnic
my code, as below, is not efficient since it takes a really long time to run on two large-size input files. I am sure there must be much more efficient coding than I did.
awk 'BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t"}
NR==FNR{ara[$1,$2]=$0;ara2[$1]=1; next}
if(ara2[$1]) {
for(s in ara) {...
Hi, all
FileA (each firm has two records)
firm1 rec1
firm1 rec2
firm2 rec1
firm2 rec2
FileB (each firm owned by two institutions)
firm1 ppf1
firm2 ppf1
firm1 ppf2
firm2 ppf2
I want to do a "firm x records x owner" expansion
(if the first field in each row of fileB is the same as the first...
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