I've tried both ways. It didn't work.
I was looking at the imsl library folders and I realized there is no file named "imsl.mod".
There is a several files *.mod, but the one that is more similar is "imsl_libraries.mod".
I've changed the code from "USE imsl" to "USE imsl_libraries":
I've already seen that. It turns out that I do have the file imsl.lib, but I can't build the *.exe.
I guess I'm not using the right commands:
g95 mone.f95 -o mone.exe
I need some command to link imsl.lib file to mone.f95, right?
Hey guys. I'm trying to compile this program using g95 compiler (Windows Vista), but I can't link the IMSL library to the program.
Here's the begining of the code:
USE imsl
!INCLUDE 'link_f90_static.h'
parameter (npmax=8)
implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
And this is what I've got:
USE imsl...
Actually, the correct term is "imls" and not "msl" as I've told you.
I googled it, and it seems it's a library. Which means I have to pay for it, right?
Thank you. You guys rock!
Ok, now it seems the first error has been fixed by fixing the second one.
C:\>g95 mone.f95 -o mone.exe
In file mone.f95:5
USE ims
Fatal Error: Can't open module file 'ims.mod' at (1) for reading: No such file or directory
ArkM, you were right. The correct was "i = 1". I've got the same error though.
xwb, it seems you were right too. I'm sorry for been such a noob, but I don't even know what a module is.
It's kind of a library I have to pay or something?
Hey guys. I'm trying to compile (using g95 compiler) this program but there are two errors I can't fix.
In file mone.f95:5
USE ims.f90
Error: Syntax error in USE statement at (1)
In file mone.f95:52
read(10,*) (((Lixo, CotPap(j,i)), j=1, npapeis), i, nper+1)
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