Two routers with their own external static public IP’s serving PORTIONS of the same internal subnet. Is that OK ? Any nasty ramifications ?
So router1’s external is and two’s is 1’s internal address block is to 0.160 with a gateway of 0.2 and router 2’s...
Access is unable to save the WIA
Video Preview Class object because it does not support
persistence, or your computer may have run out of disk
Lots of space left. I have an an old exe that previews and takes shots, so I know the camera supports it.
Trying to let the user set up a...
Want to use Sendmail only to send; have no FQDN or DNS set up. Mail gets off the server but never reaches the destination (machine to be used as an in house web server to run a Perl HTML form mail script , or PHP form mail code)
Can this ever work without DNS or the machine with a proper FQDN ...
Here's the error log.
The file of note is fdark.swf
It's mot to be seen in the error log but does turn up in the acess log as in:
"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008111217 Fedora/3.0.4-1.fc10 Firefox/3.0.4" - - [04/Aug/2010:17:48:31 -0400] "GET...
Apache 2.2 running on Ubuntu 6.06 8.04 and 10.04 and the current Fedora will not display a flash file (I'm sure getting good doing Linux install though :( )
I find lots of ideas on the web, none work or seem relevant to the file structures in these installs.
mime.types had " AddType...
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