This dosn't seem to be working... here is the code I have
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Text = "Volume (106m3)"
ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue).AxisTitle.Characters(Start:=11, Length:=1).Font.Superscript = True...
Is there a way to have an excel chart's title contain numbers to an exponent? I want the title for the y-axis of my chart to have the units of measure which are cubic meters. Everytime I run my vb code the chart shows (m3). Is there a way to superscript the 3?
I have a program that copies four cells from one workbook and is supose to pastespecial transpose them into a row of a table in another workbook. When this piece of code executes...
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set wb = Workbooks.Open("P:\ODD\OSD\BO\CARE Cost & Operations Forms -...
The four graphs vary a little but here is the general idea. This isn't the whole code but I think this is the piece the problem is in...
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnStacked
ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("Graph2Area")
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues =...
Ok as an overview of my program the user inputs all sorts of information, that info goes into one table. The macro reads this table and formats a second table. There can be one of four formats depending on the user input. The macro then populates this table pulling information from other...
When my program generates a graph it reads the values in a cell range I have called "projects" and it uses these values as the labels along the x-axis. the problem is that "projects" is a column in a table and it can change sizes, when it does there are sometimes blank spaces that the program is...
Thanks guys it worked great... I have one more question kind of related to this.
When the list box opens the second time the items that were selected the first time are still selected. Is there a way to have it not select any when it opens or to just highlight the top one or something like that.
When my userforms activate I have two listboxes in each that are being populated. The problem I am having is that a user may activate the form more than once and the listbox populates each time giving me duplicates. Where can I put the .AddItem code so that my listboxs are only being populated once?
Is there a way to lock the cells on a worksheet so that the user cannot change anything but still have a macro be able to go in and alter them without having to enter the password?
I might be just messing up wording again... I really have only been coding for like 2 months so the technicalities in the language is all still forein to me. I will try working with the code you posted and see if I can get it to do what I want... if not I will attempt to clarify my situation and...
I see what you are saying but I am still not sure this will do what I want it to. I Don't want there to only be one label on the xaxis saying JanFebMar when I put in Q1Titles. I would want 3 labels Jan, Feb, and Mar. Would this do that?
Is it possible to set a string variable equal to the value in several cells?
I want this to work...
Q1Titles = Range("Q1Titles").Value
Q2Titles = Range("Q2Titles").Value
Q3Titles = Range("Q3Titles").Value
Q4Titles = Range("Q4Titles").Value
Where Q1Titles is a range of 3 cells saying Jan, Feb...
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