It is not practical to put the voicemail in between line cards and station cards. It is practical to have the voicemail be placed at tne next available poisition of what is being installed.
Partner messaging should always be placed after any line or station cards. leaving no space in between. Processor card always goes in the center. You should set up as below with your voicemail stations being if a two port messaging card ust stations 42,43. If 4 port messaging use stations...
You need to set up proper ports in hunt group 7. Not knowing if you have a five slot cabinet or a two slot, I can not give you proper port numbers. If you dial station numbers Partner mail will answer. Use the numbers that Partner mail picked up in hunt group 7. If you give me your slot...
Do you have all the slots in the carrier filled. You need to populate slots in order starting with processor in center then left to right. You can not skip slots. If you have any 206 or 308 cards, these should be placed first on left followed by line cards(200 or 400). If you give me more...
according to what you have installed. Enter F00 left intercom twice the #505, hunt group 7. insert ports 23,24. If these are not right try calling ports untill VMS picks up (These will be the numbers you assign in hunt 7).
If you are talking about partner mail. You have to dial into the mail system. Enter system admin: Type 99#, then 9(hidden),then password (default 1234). Eneter 4 for mailboxes, then ext. to be reset followed bt the #, then 3 to reinitial the password. This will reset it to 1234.
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