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  • Users: USInc
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  1. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    The core objective is to try to identify improper progress notes for services provided. The software prevents you from saving a service with no progress note, but that doesn't stop a user from entering "progress note" into the note just to get around this. The users intent is to go back later...
  2. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    The second example is still one string, however those \par tags are carriage returns. I haven't noticed any pattern that I can easily discern to indicate where a string starts and/or ends.
  3. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    Sure thing... {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 System;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\fs20 Non-Billable 2400 Only\cf0\b\f1 \par }...
  4. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    We are using Profiler - it's made by Unicare. We just upgraded this past weekend to the newest version and the RFT change was implemented then. The users are happy they can make text bold and pink, but it's giving me a headache and there is no way to disable the feature... **sigh**
  5. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    Ian, I think you're right... but I can always hold out hope! LB, they are not consistent. If the user decides to use anything different, the tags will change. And they can make formatting changes within the text, so there could be tags dispersed throughout the string. Not an easy task, but...
  6. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    I am trying to count characters or words within a Progress Note in our electronic medical record. For example, someone might enter "Initial Assessment Completed" into their text field, however when it gets saved to the database, all of the formatting comes with it. So it would look like this...
  7. USInc

    Character or Word Count on an RTF Field

    A table in our database used to be stored as plain text, however it just got converted over to RTF. Before this I was using len({MyField}) to get a character count. Now this formula doesn't work thanks to the RTF formatting. So I started using UBound(Split({MyField})) which was great until I...

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