So our company no longer deals with Advanced Hospitality, the eastern Reseller for Aloha Systems, we find their owner and service to be horrible.
Any ways, i've read through the forum and couldnt find an answer.
We are switching from VISANET to NORTH/CARDNET i'm assuming that is CES, I've put...
Got it. Wet into mscinfig. Kds was unchecked for startup, any idea why or HOW that would happen, I'm the only one who uses the big computer and I know I didn't change any settings.
It's the newer version, rdsconsole is installed on the boh, it recoqnizes the qsr boxs, says their up and running, ip addresses seem to be correct and no conflicting port numbers
i removed the STOP file and its communicating with the BOH Fileserver again. The QSR RDS Video Screens are still blue (with the port number and ip information numbers) i still cant figure out why that is.
Can someone please tell me what put that STOP file in the folder. Is there any reason why...
Jun 18, 20:54:22, [1704], [INFO],,"In ProcessTXNRecoverFileserver"
Jun 18, 20:54:22, [1704], [INFO],,"Recover from fileserver down requested... (Current server is 'TERM3')"
Jun 18, 20:54:22, [1704], [INFO],,"Attempting to connect drive Y: to server 'ALOHABOH'..."
Jun 18, 20:54:22, [1704]...
froim debout file day it happened
Jun 14, 00:00:18,, [INFO],,"CTLSVR: Detected End Of Day in progress..."
Jun 14, 00:00:18,, [INFO],,"CtlSvr: Checking for directories to purge from 20080614..."
Jun 14, 00:00:18,, [INFO],,"FileDeleteSpec(D:\AlohaQS\20080613\*.*): Delete file...
Monday morning the BOH computer (SERVER) restarted on its own, next thing, the two front terminals failed to recoqnize the BOH computer as its server. I've tried unplugging EVERYTHING, plugging one terminal back in, turning on the hub, and turning on the BOH computer. .. Nothing.
I've tried...
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